February 14, 2025

Contact: Christ Thomas, President/CEO
Development Authority of Polk County
(770) 684-5686 |

Polk County, GA. –

The Development Authority of Polk County shared their 2024 Annual Report of economic progress to their Board and other community stakeholders at their regular monthly meeting on February 14, 2025.

The Authority brought many successes to Polk County in 2024:

  • February 15, 2024: a statewide announcement that SOLARCYCLE, an advanced technology-based solar recycling company, will create 617 new full-time jobs in Polk County, investing an estimated $344 million in a solar glass manufacturing facility in Cedartown. The facility will be the first-of-its-kind in the country to use recycled materials from retired solar panels to make new solar glass.
  • October 31, 2024: a second statewide announcement that SOLARCYCE will accelerate its expansion into Polk County to meet increasing demand for solar panel recycling services. The company is investing an additional $62 million to increase its panel recycling capacity to 10 million solar panels per year and create an additional 640 new full-time jobs.
  • November 18, 2024: The Development Authority of Polk County was awarded the 2024 Mid-size Community Deal of the Year by the Georgia Economic Developers Association for its role in securing the deal to bring SOLARCYCLE to Cedartown. Award winners were evaluated based on several factors, including economic impact, the degree of creativity and expertise required to complete the deal, and the obstacles and challenges that were overcome during negotiations and completion of the deal.

Polk County also welcomed two new industry businesses to the community.

  • F.A.M.E. Health Labs: Took ownership of an existing manufacturing facility located at 3520 Lees Chapel Road, Cedartown. F.A.M.E. Health Labs manufactures private label supplement brands that include graphics, formulation, in-house and third-party testing, sampling, contract manufacturing, packaging, graphic design, and unparalleled customer service. F.A.M.E Health labs currently employs approximately 140 employees, offering competitive wage and benefits.
  • Millennium Freight Solutions: purchased and relocated to 2649 Cartersville Hwy, Rockmart. Millenium Freight Solutions oversees a growing fleet of trucks and trailers as well as a dedicated, professional staff of 14 logistic experts and warehouse and mechanical personnel.

The leading industry sector in Polk County remains to be Manufacturing with a total employment of 3,030, contributing the largest in Gross Regional Product (GDP) for the county of over $392 million in goods and services produced plus the sum of employment earnings, property income, and taxes on production. Average earnings per job in manufacturing is $70,503.

In partnership with the Cedartown Development Authority and Rockmart Development Authority, the Development Authority of Polk County continues to market approximately 220 acres to potential businesses creating quality jobs and capital investments that will positively impact economic growth for Polk County.

Administrative highlights in 2024 included a year with lean operations, and general progress as outlined in the Short-Term Work Program. Thanks were given to Polk County Board of Commissioners for their ongoing leadership and financial support.

The Authority recognizes and thanks the many partners involved and their roles in community development, economic development, workforce development, and the companies themselves that create the jobs and make the investments.

The Development Authority of Polk County (DAPC) is a government entity charged with economic development for the county, supported by the cities, and provides a single point of contact for business and industry looking to relocate or expand within the footprint of the county. Its mission is to support the creation of jobs and opportunities for the citizens of Polk County through continued growth in new and existing industry and the redevelopment of areas of commercial blight or underuse. For more information, visit
